Sunday, August 03, 2014
Romance From A Crazy Man
in girum imus nocte et consumimur igni
There is no.
A = Lone. 1 + 1 = 20
there is no c.
see the sea?
the children's circle is lost in the forest!
"No!" is there.
take the purple pill
in girum imus nocte et consumimur igni
Turns out I am a hippy. Let's gather the evidence: a). I eschew de-odorant. b). I shower w/ peppermint Dr. Bronner's. d). i have re-soled my Birkenstocks twice. e). Long hair, duh.
Only, i'm not a peace and love hippy, I'm a real life nephew of my Uncle Charly - who was a real life nephew of Uncle Aleister, who is a god-father to the new Æon. we are the pretty things, come to drive your mommas and poppas insane…
Let me make plain, I'm talking about the Homo Superiour.
But then, I was looking in my high school yearbook and it is true what Hoss Jones sed. Everyone at McCullough High School knew I was insane.
Nothing has changed - I have brakes, a little, and can gear down now, when I couldn't before.
Friday, September 09, 2011
Camp Notes
high as august not cold enuf to snow but dress like ambiguous november day
some in shorts and sweaters
bare mid-riffs and heavy leggings
some parts of us feel the cold more intensely.
the children as high as campers --- they are
little beasts frightening as monkeys as innocent as monkeys
our heritage shows clearest when we are very young.
the very old creep like children, i mean babies
some as wise and pleasantly malicious as turtles
last nite the wildest child and her accomplice
(tho which of the two were wildest
perhaps depends on the perspective of whether you'd been
headlong rushed in the stomach
look, they made you make that sound dogs, fathers and sufis say
in a hysterics only partly pretend ran thru the gathering of tolerant adults
"the monster is coming, the monster's almost here"
i wondered how they knew
and if their monster were the monster
i was playing dead for
maybe that hoarse rumbling breath is a
bears are magickal and scary but not necessarily evil
bears are cousins to lycanthropes like me
bears understand, in their hearts,
that the horrid bloddy mess i made of you all
that hideous matted mess all in my hair
(you shd see his insides, hairy as the wild man of the forest - Orang-Utang, gentle
and civilized as a cross between wolves and dogs)
did i speak up? no… what do bears understand?
does the children's monster care? does doing
did it count?
Laurence Talbot, brother,
you sought your release
did the vampyre and frankenstein's monster
give you what you sought?
i never saw any other of those films but read the story by Harlan Ellison of your descent into yourself
some forgotten childhood things
no silver bullets.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
The Evil Old Men, cont.
die young... hmmm?
Her Flesh Is Rotting Fast,
hurray for all the Leos! even the little dog.
Hurray! the Lion shouts Freedom!
and all the little ones cried Me---!!! ME---!!!
all the boys call out --- let ME--- show y WHAT A MAN! i am.
Let the Men say hmmm.
All the Ladies ache to be The Woman i am.
Hurray for all the Heroes, even the little dog.
Hurray! the Heroes shout Freedom!
all the babies get culled today --- Freedom! Freedom!
all yr Ladies hide out when the mood is on Him like that.
The AntiXrist screams Freedom! Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!
Freedom! Freedom! Freedom! Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!
like a stricken record gone psychotic,
like a poison that makes you smarter---it kills you,
but you die a genius---
like this rather sincere gentle man telling that you that he had just come from jail in Texas---
"i was on some some houston drug concoction meant to make LSD more intense---
if you were there back then you know what THAT means.
we named the drug Deth. after PK Dick, and then in my hands, i molded the past when we all lived, now, that is:
They come to you incompletely.
First a form, granting authorization for experiments to be done indefinitely:
They come to you incompletely.
for sure there are biopsi-s:---they never throw those away.
They come to you incompletely.
They [the other They] pickle the tumour. Wait til they start selling that to the discerning gourmand.
They come to you incompletely.
Don’t ask about the 1.s with gunshot wounds to the back of the head.
---That heart is still beating.
---The only way to kill a
so anyway i went to jail on acid and totally released myself of all connexion to consensus Reality. They were Masons and they didn’t fall for that SUPERHUMAN STRENGTH crap. they took me underground for 3 days and i was initiated to the 33º. I was alreading the Innermost Head of the Outermost Circle, and self declared [me X 3] Head of the Innermost Circle. the circle so small there is only room for y me & kittie but not any room for &.
--- this time dad, i remembered to bring cards.
Wednesday, February 02, 2011
Lecture Series 97
hey little girl yer not so little anymore. do you remember meeting a hitchhiker in a truck stop in south centrol Alabama somewhere - possible on I40, nah, fuckit. i was in Alabama. at a truck stop i met a female child of about 3-5 years old who got my attention and she lead to the back of the store. There was a map of the United States showing the State University college colours for each state. I suddenly understood the changes in colours as i made my great spiral - i'm seeing the effect on local team spirit. ha. spirit. colours are spirit. are.are. Rrrrrrrrrrrgh!
i am inviting you to interact w/ my writing which one might categorize as Science Fiction Poetry.
Lecture Series 97
tonite's topic: marijuana as psychoto-palliantive. if i am no good than to sit in the corner and think my weird thoughts then that is the best that hosticulturalists have come up w/ - there hasn't been a market demand for marijuana that causes euphoric hypomania because experience marijuana users are willing to sacrifice the energy and commitment to life to St. 1.
Lecture Series 97
i cannot count up the refusal of an offer of some marijuana w/ the explanation 'everytime i smoke pot i get paranoid.'
Proverbs for Paranoids, 3: If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.
dude, i'm trying to be nice, i get it. if i stopped enjoying mild euphoria you would say there way something was wrong w/ me. there is something wrong this notes evidence for the cosmic remedy. i summon across Time and Her ∞ Pluribilities to perfect blend of vibrational 'tracers' of a plant or environmental condition perfect for my healing.
I learned the above lesson in a dream. King Arthur was there, but he sneared at my as a young upstart. i have no royal blood. Why was there no Sir James Watt? because he was a Scotsman. if my forbear had been invited into the inner fold - ha! you will find yourself in Scotland no matter how high the road, nor how lost you ultimately come.
IF i am right the Great Bay Quake will happen in my lifetime, in my visualization the muddy's at 16th and Valencia. Most of the worst of the damage was in the east bay. If you call me a witch for cursing the Rincon Tower to fall when our Mother shinnies and shakes, and all the king's horses cdn't meld your broken system. call it capitalism (ha, our masters fear true unfettered capitalism more than they do communism. communism is commonly held to be ideal in some sense, but impractical in others. Like: how do we get there from here?
Oh yeah, like Pirate Jenny "Hopla! All of them!"
The Hanged Man, Or, "What is is it, dog?"
well, the part i didn't mention is that none of the books for his class have hit our school bookstore yet. decided to drop a class that was on friday. if the instructor actually uses the textbook, based on the table of contents, way too hard a class to take the same semester as an advanced english class, which will be a challenge to all my procrastination habits.
Construction to cause inconvenience to your understanding
the loudness. there's a magick in the Line 6 delay modeler only made more so by using the pedal to change the character of the delay, using a number of simulations settings that replicate vintage sounds. I am using a setting that emulates an 80s delay pedel, perhaps even the same Boss Giselle Hate sang thru in deadgirl. her lyrics more haunting by the delay and the performance haunted by feedback. that period did not record well. if Timmy has the tapes. A part of me has the belief that Timmy has deadgirl recordings that i have not heard. that perhaps have yet to be digitized.
if you choose to call me, i have less than 100 minutes.
(my phone is the cheapest phone possible, and tho x gigabytes are mine, they'd make more money charging by the minute haha. my crappy phone is almost useless as a way onto the web. but only almost, and when someone isn't breathing down your neck for the answer ("where is that gallery - I want the address and aren't happy w/ your it's between y and z on Mission St." her roommates phone had the info before my phone had even connected.)
I bear witness that you are a stupid prophet
A certain man claimed to be a prophet and was brought before the Sultan, who said to him, "I bear witness that you are a stupid prophet!" The man replied, "That is why I have only been sent to people like you."
a selection for public consumption of material from my iClip widget that creates a history of all times you *copy* - this is retarded to people who are in the habit of conposing in an autosave enviroronment. ;-) Auntie Flame
i have abandoned facebook's editor frof for blogger but i am soon desert to wordpress. 2 instructors at City college are offering courses that involve wordpress that my not be part of the curriculum i signed up as an animator:
this started as a rant that disappeared from the facebook interface and that iClip did not capture. fuck.
The Hanged Man
[the Fool places dog collar and hands The Hanged Man the leash]
stumble, tumbled
what is happening?
it’s beautifull, man…
stumble, tumbled
i meant to do that…
it was meant to happen.
a moment i hesitate ---
Headlong into the Abyss is my greatest desire.
dive to the top out .v thin air
falling forever
‘falling out .v a hole’
into the white light .v Eternal Being
stumble, tumbled
a step .v a 1000 miles begins w/ a single journey
spun about,
Surrender Dorothy!
you’re Rounded,
heels, head, belly in-between
I want to see it all
Lose my head to the all .v iT
Lose my way the wrong way on the straight path
stumble, tumbled
I see it all,
my head on the straight path
my feet struggle in every which direction
HA! see,
still attached,
tangle, dangled
Never lost the dog, at the end .v my rope
connected to the dog who has no name, wise as Lassie, and as Super as a dog can be.
Labels: Abyss, aliester crowley, black magick, Tarot, the dog, Thoth, Vertigo, wooga
Monday, December 27, 2010
A brief explanation
i have seen the end of everything, and i see a wave of horror about to engulf our planet. i hear the singular consciousness screaming. i know the New Biota which will replace us. i know that a fleet of starships is coming from our sister planet in the Sirius B system. there is rebellion on the planet of the greys, and we have allies among the rebels. i know that the fæ are willing to consider a reconciliation of the worlds. and some one born september 11th, 1966 has the chart of the Master of the Age. and that the ecological crisis is worse than civilians can imagine, but biologists are despairing, and there is no hope for most species. it's too late for many ecosystems. it may be too late for the atmosphere to undergo a transformation that will give rise to a CFC life cycle - the New Biota. all that is too much. no one wants to hear it. esp the consensus reality parts for which there is proof. the crazy talk part people tune out.
Monday, June 28, 2010
manual for time travellers
y R 1.v.theM.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
instruction manual for time travellers
The Black Iron Prison at the end of time. It's kenne and hitler in Superman's fortress. jesus drops in every forever and then. y come to hell for parts. Superman f'sure kept everything from Old Earth.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
The Assholes
one of the characters is Stephen Tuttle. his mother is a witch. married now to a regular guy ---- he takes care of her children, and baby, who is his. Dr. Boo!, Stephen’s father, the Psychick Mathematician
stephen wants to kill himself. the only frenz he has are Assholes. theBob (the frenliest of TheM) has named Stephen Tuttle ‘turtle!’, mostly because of the resemblance of sound, but it fit, like most of theBob’s nicknames. ‘turtle!’ was a good sport about it, being his first taste of notoriety. The Assholes had a name for all the losers --- Richard Bateman was ‘Master’ and all the Assholes would pretend to bow down to him. Stephen didn't get that one at first. Stephen hates his only real fren, Sherri Hershberger, who sees so much in Stephen and is the only one who doesn’t call him ‘turtle!’. she won’t have sex w/ Stephen. She sees how he looks at all the Beautifull Girls, and he doesn’t look at her like that. Sherri pretends to be a virgin. The Assholes call Sherri 'Fuckable'. No one calls her that to her face. Stephen told her. Stephen wishes Sherri wd. fuck him (out of mercy, or something) none of the Beautifull Girls want him.
theBob yells “Hey… ‘turtle!’” and like turtles always do, Stephen cringes.
Dr. Boo! is a scientist, and before he disappeared had published a book of children’s stories he had told Stephen at bedtimes. Adventures in his world gone wanka, that tells the secrets of Stephen’s lineage, and like Alice, is not Alice. A≠A. Alice cd. be ne1 ≈ Alison's Adventures when she is not Alice. POW! to the Moon… ten feet tall… no where at all. (Stephen's real sister is Alison. She won't talk about Dr. Boo! or that stupid book. She is lost in BubbaLand, and hangs out w/ Kickers).
Stephen lost his copy. Sherri Hershberger has a copy but she won’t let Stephen have it. theBob has a copy, signed by Dr. Boo! himself. And has no idea that the Psychick Mathematician is ‘turtle!’s dad. Mrs. macKillop (Stephen’s mom’s new name) has a box of them, unopened, in the attic. Stephen has no idea.
Stephen is a werewolf and can’t sleep at nite. He lies awake in the dark planning how things are going to be when all of TheM finally recognize that Stephen is The Most Important Person Alive. He knows. His real father told him so.
Do You Believe in Færies?
If you accept the reality of drug experiences then I really saw a færie. Otherwise, yes, I was on drugs.
The Færie can be thought of fungus consciousness interacting with with humanity mediated on entheogens.
There are many people who claim a natural connexion to the Fæ, and don't need drugs to be assured of their presence. Another way of understanding Them is as Vortices of Intention whirling out of the Life Force. Oh, wait, Science has dismissed the Life Force. The Cosmos has no Intention in the Scientific World View.
If all of the Natural World is Alive, Aware, and has Intention, then the Fæ are the Personification of the Consciousness of Nature. And Something Alien. The Fæ are Nature and Wholly Other. In some ways they cannot be understood. The Rational World View has no 'valid category' for 'that which cannot be understood'. A≠A is the central mystery seemingly vanquished failing to accept contradictions.
There are færies in the garden, but mostly they hide from you. The Fæ mock your Occam's Razor, piling on premises until Reality shimmers with Ridiculousness.
A Suicide Note, Considered
"R you happy to be in Amerika?"
The answer is no. Stephen hates Amerika.He has a feeling Amerika hates him back.
"where's my awesome job?
where's my beautifulll house?
how do i get the girl and
'live happily ever after'?"
Stephen wants to know.
Houston is in the red zone of a nuclear bulls-eye, good riddance. "it is beautifull up here" Stephen admits. "the smudge of sky above" he writes "blurred of diffraction..." He's trying to tell you about living under a dome of smog, dripping w/ asthma. To seal his social status: outcast, Stephen has frequent nose bleeds.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Houston Is The Dome City of the Future
i don't know how to write a SF novel.
there is a small room Stephen shares w/ the Roommate. a stereo dominates the window, which looks out toward downtown. we've written this part before. i will have to write it again, having lost those notebooks. houston was hardly 20 feet above sea level up to the 20th century. as the ice caps melted the sea was held back w/ dikes. what if, in the future™, they built a fullerdome over houston.
over houston? i've read a lot of pscience® fiction. my debt is owed to delany, russ and disch. delany read joyce and wanted to write a major novel. i read delany and now i want to write this. about a boy who is psychick in a city where computers are alive.
i can only proceed as if i were being guided. every sentence is perfect. w/ an explanation.
what if in the future™ the future really came true? not in a horrifying and banal way like p. k. dick, but beautifull and sad. Always.
the different between being crazy and really knowing cosmic secrets is the difference between psychick and psycho. ick! and ooh… i don't see pictures when people talk. i'm not psychick at all. psychics are always trying to read my mind just to find out what i am about. i don't see pictures when people talk which makes listening to long stories boring. i don't go places during sex either. i walk the middle path, Heaven on Earth. “dear, i don't think you should hang out w/ heroin addicts.” [Barbara Bennett's mom, after meeting Herbert Hunke.] junkies are more psychick than than ordinary people. they can read my mind.
being psychick is like being stoned on one one of those 23 skidoo days. it's an eviction party. 3d2c is a random message. What I Tell You 3X Is True. 4X.≅M. dissonance.
cursive is fast writing.
dogs bark.
white earth.
Bu Hu

Those who know never forget. Do you remember the Turtles? "They go to sleep…" Whirled into If, Lie there and forget about iT.
Labels: bu, hu, mE, R, sigil, werewolf, wooga, y
Thursday, October 26, 2006
A Great Work of Nature: BOOBS
Gravity Of Lies from the album "Io" by Emily Grogan
"Who doesn't like boobs?" sez TranceMagick
"What's there not to like?" I can hear DethCamp Bill sayin' in his Ol' Codger voice.
I personally am friends w/ a man who prefers small boobs, just so. His enthusiasm prompted me to reconsider what I had previously looked over as too scant. My friend may not even know what affect he has had on my life…
River (Depot Song) from the album "There's A Fire" by Longwave
All boobs are good but my teaching today concerns big boobs. Fortunately I happen to have some handy. Giselle Hate painted a scenario involving tickling the boobs w/ the mustache.
"What, are you growing to grow a mustache?"
"Why, I guess if your going to grow a mustache for it, be my guest." I think.
"No, I mean if I were you, dummy."
That got me thinking about many possibilities.
Thursday, October 21, 2004
Traffic Haiku
you hafta make eye contact
i got hit in the crosswalk, i forgot---
i feel safer jaywalking
Thursday, April 29, 2004
flunky beadle Vamps the Tune letting on He's Loney.
water is the first element darker than stone     the boy (fox) is (fox) not (fox) thinking (fox)      about (fox) stones (fox)     water opens water
the water like a film of rising bubbles run backwards     the water      No,
water is the first stone
colder than ice
fist the fire
thirst the fish
fire stones fist thirst fish stop
Monday, April 05, 2004
a new life
stars and grass.
all y˙˙˙ need to know.
later, we found rocks.
(we had forgotten about
again––it was all of us.
w/ fire, we discovered wood.
and around:––we found
ourselfs around the fire/
this was good.
we had that; a bunch of word
some that meant things
others y˙˙˙ point w/, most words didn't mean anything
just ideas, stuff to talk about.
(we had a lot of Time
on our hands)
can y˙˙˙ hear it?
the sounds words make
linger in yr chest, leave
impression on yr throat
then it was:––we knew;
words are alive
forms w/out presence
absent seas
(NOW, y˙˙˙ see,
we remember–––we came out of the water the dolphins our cousins
taught us to sing
we left the sea
to sing of monkey things)
Sunday, April 04, 2004
falling backlight to the home you've never been. II.
these roads are familiar: i've been here before. again.
the red road looks blue.
looks brown. turns green.
All roads lead to the black stone. an index of metals.
Thursday, April 01, 2004
The Unusual Necessity of Despair at Sleeplessness
the Night Watchers sit awake waiting. When They left, taking Them away, They told Us, “Wait here forever and make sure nothing happens.”
Well, i made Nothingk happen.™ [i marked iTk with a k, for kenne. It's o.k. w/ Me–– if y˙˙˙ use iTk.™] and it's been forever already. can i go Home now?
Saturday, February 28, 2004
a provisional attempt toward for once saying something
y˙˙have ∞ dualities---paper or plastic, for here or to go, Alice or Elizabeth, Gina or Amy…∞dualities, everyone is there. you & y˙˙˙; A≠A, when Alice does not equal her self, who is she when she is ten feet tall? PoW!! to the moon! this side, when Alice isn't herself she is Alison. Alison has adventures of her own; Alison's Adventure in BubbaLand,