
Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Assholes 

carefully. He knows y R listening to mE---
one of the characters is Stephen Tuttle. his mother is a witch. married now to a regular guy ---- he takes care of her children, and baby, who is his. Dr. Boo!, Stephen’s father, the Psychick Mathematician
stephen wants to kill himself. the only frenz he has are Assholes. theBob (the frenliest of TheM) has named Stephen Tuttle ‘turtle!’, mostly because of the resemblance of sound, but it fit, like most of theBob’s nicknames. ‘turtle!’ was a good sport about it, being his first taste of notoriety. The Assholes had a name for all the losers --- Richard Bateman was ‘Master’ and all the Assholes would pretend to bow down to him. Stephen didn't get that one at first. Stephen hates his only real fren, Sherri Hershberger, who sees so much in Stephen and is the only one who doesn’t call him ‘turtle!’. she won’t have sex w/ Stephen. She sees how he looks at all the Beautifull Girls, and he doesn’t look at her like that. Sherri pretends to be a virgin. The Assholes call Sherri 'Fuckable'. No one calls her that to her face. Stephen told her. Stephen wishes Sherri wd. fuck him (out of mercy, or something) none of the Beautifull Girls want him.

theBob yells “Hey… ‘turtle!’” and like turtles always do, Stephen cringes.

Dr. Boo! is a scientist, and before he disappeared had published a book of children’s stories he had told Stephen at bedtimes. Adventures in his world gone wanka, that tells the secrets of Stephen’s lineage, and like Alice, is not Alice. A≠A. Alice cd. be ne1 ≈ Alison's Adventures when she is not Alice. POW! to the Moon… ten feet tall… no where at all. (Stephen's real sister is Alison. She won't talk about Dr. Boo! or that stupid book. She is lost in BubbaLand, and hangs out w/ Kickers).
Stephen lost his copy. Sherri Hershberger has a copy but she won’t let Stephen have it. theBob has a copy, signed by Dr. Boo! himself. And has no idea that the Psychick Mathematician is ‘turtle!’s dad. Mrs. macKillop (Stephen’s mom’s new name) has a box of them, unopened, in the attic. Stephen has no idea.

Stephen is a werewolf and can’t sleep at nite. He lies awake in the dark planning how things are going to be when all of TheM finally recognize that Stephen is The Most Important Person Alive. He knows. His real father told him so.

Do You Believe in Færies? 

Once after partaking of a nibble of amanita muscaria, a færie that looked like Betty Rubble flew out at me and hovered in front of my face in a classic Tinkerbell pose like a hummingbird. She tapped me on the third eye with her magick wand and a part of my personality went transcendant.

If you accept the reality of drug experiences then I really saw a færie. Otherwise, yes, I was on drugs.

The Færie can be thought of fungus consciousness interacting with with humanity mediated on entheogens.

There are many people who claim a natural connexion to the Fæ, and don't need drugs to be assured of their presence. Another way of understanding Them is as Vortices of Intention whirling out of the Life Force. Oh, wait, Science has dismissed the Life Force. The Cosmos has no Intention in the Scientific World View.

If all of the Natural World is Alive, Aware, and has Intention, then the Fæ are the Personification of the Consciousness of Nature. And Something Alien. The Fæ are Nature and Wholly Other. In some ways they cannot be understood. The Rational World View has no 'valid category' for 'that which cannot be understood'. A≠A is the central mystery seemingly vanquished failing to accept contradictions.

There are færies in the garden, but mostly they hide from you. The Fæ mock your Occam's Razor, piling on premises until Reality shimmers with Ridiculousness.

A Suicide Note, Considered 

“it ends here” Steven writes. "the dirty sun falling behind glass." Stephen looks up and out the window at the glowing green el dorado that is downtown Houston. Otherwise known as the outermost circle of Hell, which Steven thinks of as the Event Horizon. Because once you come to Houston there's no going back, gravity sucks. Nothing happens 'here', because there is no. There, there Steven, it's not so miserable as all that. You have your records, the stereo you bought mowing a summer's worth of grass (yer step-father went in halfs, so you got a pretty good one, a Pioneer.) Listen---James Blood is singing
"R you happy to be in Amerika?"
The answer is no. Stephen hates Amerika.He has a feeling Amerika hates him back.
"where's my awesome job?
where's my beautifulll house?
how do i get the girl and
'live happily ever after'?"
Stephen wants to know.

Houston is in the red zone of a nuclear bulls-eye, good riddance. "it is beautifull up here" Stephen admits. "the smudge of sky above" he writes "blurred of diffraction..." He's trying to tell you about living under a dome of smog, dripping w/ asthma. To seal his social status: outcast, Stephen has frequent nose bleeds.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Houston Is The Dome City of the Future 

Houston is the dome city symbol of the future. sure is hot there.
i don't know how to write a SF novel.
there is a small room Stephen shares w/ the Roommate. a stereo dominates the window, which looks out toward downtown. we've written this part before. i will have to write it again, having lost those notebooks. houston was hardly 20 feet above sea level up to the 20th century. as the ice caps melted the sea was held back w/ dikes. what if, in the future™, they built a fullerdome over houston.
over houston? i've read a lot of pscience® fiction. my debt is owed to delany, russ and disch. delany read joyce and wanted to write a major novel. i read delany and now i want to write this. about a boy who is psychick in a city where computers are alive.
i can only proceed as if i were being guided. every sentence is perfect. w/ an explanation.
what if in the future™ the future really came true? not in a horrifying and banal way like p. k. dick, but beautifull and sad. Always.

the different between being crazy and really knowing cosmic secrets is the difference between psychick and psycho. ick! and ooh… i don't see pictures when people talk. i'm not psychick at all. psychics are always trying to read my mind just to find out what i am about. i don't see pictures when people talk which makes listening to long stories boring. i don't go places during sex either. i walk the middle path, Heaven on Earth. “dear, i don't think you should hang out w/ heroin addicts.” [Barbara Bennett's mom, after meeting Herbert Hunke.] junkies are more psychick than than ordinary people. they can read my mind.

being psychick is like being stoned on one one of those 23 skidoo days. it's an eviction party. 3d2c is a random message. What I Tell You 3X Is True. 4X.≅M. dissonance.
cursive is fast writing.
dogs bark.
white earth.

Bu Hu 

Those who know never forget. Do you remember the Turtles? "They go to sleep…" Whirled into If, Lie there and forget about iT.

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