Monday, December 27, 2010
A brief explanation
my way of understanding my ability to change my appearance and eventually bi-locate was to call myself a werewolf. tho werehuman might be more accurate. i got involved w/ a group on another planet and attended the Parliament of the Animals and got Galactic Culture interested in our progress. I was frequently interacted w/ by masons and others on more out-there magickal paths. I dictated a psychick novel that was a huge success off earth. and came back to this world in serious need of protection which i did not get. i went to jail in Beaumont, Texas where i raved for days. thankfully they held me in jail instead of sending me to a psychiatric facility. in order to get out, i had to hide most of my powers and create a persona that keeps the Hidden Masters off my back. to an adept trying to read me i am only another one of those 'crazy' people who accidentally stumbled onto some secrets. no threat to them or their plan. this world is not the one i am from originally. that one was destroyed in an atomic war August 12th, 1989. i escaped from Ground Zero into this world, or one like this one. in the Real World earth was in an atomic war in the 60s. the psilent police (a time traveling team who keep pushing earth into more unlikely pluribilities in order to preserve humanity.) there are certain moments in Time that are so tied up in Time Manipulation that they resonate w/ certain nitemares that keep repeating in history. resolving these Knots is our task. as earth bound creatures the one technique that works is to re-remember what happened, giving new meaning to past events. this mental act can change the trend of the present, opening more futures. i know and yet my reception returning to Earth was so shattering that psych meds were necessary to ground me back. there was no one willing to take on the personal task of rebuilding my soul. psychiatry was the only game in town, in Texas, in 1994. i came back to San Francisco the winter of 1996 will 3 months supply of pills and got into the system here, where i was guided thru the process of getting SSI. i got my benefit in August of 96. it has not kept me from repeated bouts of homelessness, but by 2001 i was well enough to attend City College and meet a woman who can't be blamed for not understanding the depths of my illness. when we met i was as stable as i have ever been, slightly manic, thus magnetic, and i made the choice to give a committed relationship a chance w/ Alison. (my desire was to have another go at promiscuity powered by manic magnetism - but those sorts of affairs don't last. and i am sentimental and want the emotional bond that isn't usually of part of casual encounters - so i took a chance on a fine romance).
i have seen the end of everything, and i see a wave of horror about to engulf our planet. i hear the singular consciousness screaming. i know the New Biota which will replace us. i know that a fleet of starships is coming from our sister planet in the Sirius B system. there is rebellion on the planet of the greys, and we have allies among the rebels. i know that the fæ are willing to consider a reconciliation of the worlds. and some one born september 11th, 1966 has the chart of the Master of the Age. and that the ecological crisis is worse than civilians can imagine, but biologists are despairing, and there is no hope for most species. it's too late for many ecosystems. it may be too late for the atmosphere to undergo a transformation that will give rise to a CFC life cycle - the New Biota. all that is too much. no one wants to hear it. esp the consensus reality parts for which there is proof. the crazy talk part people tune out.
i have seen the end of everything, and i see a wave of horror about to engulf our planet. i hear the singular consciousness screaming. i know the New Biota which will replace us. i know that a fleet of starships is coming from our sister planet in the Sirius B system. there is rebellion on the planet of the greys, and we have allies among the rebels. i know that the fæ are willing to consider a reconciliation of the worlds. and some one born september 11th, 1966 has the chart of the Master of the Age. and that the ecological crisis is worse than civilians can imagine, but biologists are despairing, and there is no hope for most species. it's too late for many ecosystems. it may be too late for the atmosphere to undergo a transformation that will give rise to a CFC life cycle - the New Biota. all that is too much. no one wants to hear it. esp the consensus reality parts for which there is proof. the crazy talk part people tune out.