
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Evil Old Men, cont. 

Only the Good
die young... hmmm?


Her Flesh Is Rotting Fast, 


hurray for all the Leos! even the little dog.
Hurray! the Lion shouts Freedom!
and all the little ones cried Me---!!! ME---!!!
all the boys call out --- let ME--- show y WHAT A MAN! i am.
Let the Men say hmmm.
All the Ladies ache to be The Woman i am.

Hurray for all the Heroes, even the little dog.
Hurray! the Heroes shout Freedom!
all the babies get culled today --- Freedom! Freedom!
all yr Ladies hide out when the mood is on Him like that.

The AntiXrist screams Freedom! Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!
Freedom! Freedom! Freedom! Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!
like a stricken record gone psychotic,
like a poison that makes you smarter---it kills you,
but you die a genius---
like this rather sincere gentle man telling that you that he had just come from jail in Texas---
"i was on some some houston drug concoction meant to make LSD more intense---
if you were there back then you know what THAT means.
we named the drug Deth. after PK Dick, and then in my hands, i molded the past when we all lived, now, that is:


They come to you incompletely.
First a form, granting authorization for experiments to be done indefinitely:

They come to you incompletely.
for sure there are biopsi-s:---they never throw those away.

They come to you incompletely.
They [the other They] pickle the tumour. Wait til they start selling that to the discerning gourmand.

They come to you incompletely.
Don’t ask about the 1.s with gunshot wounds to the back of the head.
---That heart is still beating.
---The only way to kill a

so anyway i went to jail on acid and totally released myself of all connexion to consensus Reality. They were Masons and they didn’t fall for that SUPERHUMAN STRENGTH crap. they took me underground for 3 days and i was initiated to the 33º. I was alreading the Innermost Head of the Outermost Circle, and self declared [me X 3] Head of the Innermost Circle. the circle so small there is only room for y me & kittie but not any room for &.
--- this time dad, i remembered to bring cards.

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