Friday, September 09, 2011
Camp Notes
high as august not cold enuf to snow but dress like ambiguous november day
some in shorts and sweaters
bare mid-riffs and heavy leggings
some parts of us feel the cold more intensely.
the children as high as campers --- they are
little beasts frightening as monkeys as innocent as monkeys
our heritage shows clearest when we are very young.
the very old creep like children, i mean babies
some as wise and pleasantly malicious as turtles
last nite the wildest child and her accomplice
(tho which of the two were wildest
perhaps depends on the perspective of whether you'd been
headlong rushed in the stomach
look, they made you make that sound dogs, fathers and sufis say
in a hysterics only partly pretend ran thru the gathering of tolerant adults
"the monster is coming, the monster's almost here"
i wondered how they knew
and if their monster were the monster
i was playing dead for
maybe that hoarse rumbling breath is a
bears are magickal and scary but not necessarily evil
bears are cousins to lycanthropes like me
bears understand, in their hearts,
that the horrid bloddy mess i made of you all
that hideous matted mess all in my hair
(you shd see his insides, hairy as the wild man of the forest - Orang-Utang, gentle
and civilized as a cross between wolves and dogs)
did i speak up? no… what do bears understand?
does the children's monster care? does doing
did it count?
Laurence Talbot, brother,
you sought your release
did the vampyre and frankenstein's monster
give you what you sought?
i never saw any other of those films but read the story by Harlan Ellison of your descent into yourself
some forgotten childhood things
no silver bullets.